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OY6A Faroe Islands. From DXNews.com
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OY6A Team will be active from Faroe Islands, IOTA EU - 018, 1 - 10 June 2025.FY/PY8WW – French Guiana
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Ren, PY8WW is currently active from French Guiana as FY/PY8WW. He mentions this will become a recurring, but not continuous, operation, and that Brazilian amateur radio operators are granted automatic rights to use FY/homecall in Guianese territory (in accordance with Article 7-2, subparagraph 4 of the decree dated September 21, 2000, as modified. For more […]PJ7KB & FS/KJ9B – Sint Maarten & Saint Martin
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Ken, KJ9B will be active from Sint Maarten (as PJ7KB) & Saint Martin (as FS/KJ9B) during March 25 to April 6, 2025. QRV on 20 & 17m; SSB, FT8 & FT4. Power = 30w. QSL via Club Log OQRS or KJ9B direct.E51ANQ Cook Islands. From DXNews.com
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Frank, DJ5NQ is currently active again as E51AMQ from Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC - 013, Cook Islands.FT/Z – 55% of island affected by fire
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[SITUATION UPDATE by TAAF] – The fire that has been raging on Amsterdam Island, in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, since January 15, 2025, has affected an estimated area of 2,578 hectares, or nearly 55% of the island. The reconnaissance mission carried out on the island at the end of February revealed that, despite the […]DX-WORLD Weekly Bulletin
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[#602] The latest FREE NON-SUBSCRIPTION DX-World Weekly Bulletin written by Bjorn ON9CFG is available to download. Click below to get the newest jam-packed edition. This week runs to 17 pages. Previous bulletins can all be found here. Please contact Bjorn with any updates or errors. DOWNLOAD THE LATEST BULLETIN =====Stamm du vendredi 21 mars 2025
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Bonjour à tous,
Je vous invite à participer au Stamm des RAV le vendredi 21 mars à 20h00 au restaurant La Carillère, route du Jorat 73, 1000 Vers-chez-les Blancs/Lausanne.
Je vous ferai une présentation sur l’IMD (Intermodulation distorsion) dans les RX et TX. La distorsion par intermodulation, c’est ce qui produit entre autre les splatters ou moustaches par les TX saturés ou mal réglés.
Pour ceux qui le désirent, possibilité est offerte de se restaurer dès 18h00 avant cette présentation.
Veuillez, dans ce cas, vous inscrire avant le mercredi 19 mars à 12h00 via le doodle suivant:
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à cette occasion
VY 73 de Marc-Henri HB9MBP
E51ANQ – Rarotonga, South Cooks
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Frank DJ5NQ is again active from Rarotonga, South Cooks as E51ANQ. Activity on 30 & 20m – he’s using a G5RV at 15m height. Length of stay unknown (he’s been there since March 4th). QSL via QSL via DJ5NQ, Bureau or direct. Audio recording by DX-WORLD of 2024 activity whole Frank was QRV from E51JD’s […]Le procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale 2025 est désormais disponible
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Lien: https://uska.ch/die-uska/uska-organe/delegiertenversammlung/dv-2025/
Appel à candidature – Projets ARISS pour 1er semestre 2026
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Appel à candidatures : Contactez un astronaute à bord de l’ISS Vous rêvez de permettre à vos élèves de dialoguer avec un astronaute en direct depuis l’espace ? C’est possible grâce à ARISS-France ! Nous rappelons aujourd’hui l’appel à candidatures pour les établissements scolaires souhaitant organiser un contact radio avec la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS). […]3D2TWO – Fiji
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Heath, VK3TWO will be active from Fiji as 3D2TWO during March 16-27, 2025. QRV on 40-10m; SSB & FT8 using an IC-705 (10w). Antennas include an EndFedz EFHW, Miracle Whip Vertical and JPC-12 telescopic vertical. More info here.TO1Q – Guadeloupe
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Jean-Luc, F1ULQ will again be active from Guadeloupe (QTH: FG8OJ) as TO1Q starting March 24th for 2 weeks. QRV on HF bands + 6m; SSB & Digi. Participation in the CQWPX contest. Possibly SAT operations too. QSL via H/c, direct / buro, LoTW. Picture: TO1Q (l) & FG8OJ (r).PJ7UK – Sint Maarten
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Chris, N0UK will be active from Sint Maarten as PJ7UK during November 28 to December 7, 2025. Participation in the CQWW SSB contest. No 60m operation permitted in PJ7. Activity on other HF bands + 6m. QSL via H/c. Grid: FK88lb.DS1TUW/2 – Seungbong-do, AS-090, South Korea
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Ji DS1TUW/2 will be active from Seungbong-do, AS-090 during May 3-5, 2025. QRV on HF bands. QSL via OQRS. Found a good, affordable QTH with saltwater facing EU/NA. Since I don’t expect to be able to work JA on 6m because of the hill located southeast, I will stick to HF rather than 6m.C6AJB – Bahamas
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Steve, KJ4LJB is again active from Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas (NA-001) as C6AJB. Holiday-style activity on SSB & FT8; 80-10m. He’s there until March 20th. QSL via LoTW only. Video below shows QTH. Note: Unfortunately, Steve reports that logs for March 8th were lost – if you worked him that day and need C6 then […]PJ2Y – Curacao
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The Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure plans a DX adventure to Curacao operating as PJ2Y during July 17-22, 2025. The Caribbean Contesting Consortium (PJ2T) super contest station is hosting this event for the fourth time and housing has been reserved. Check out the full info here.Neue Ausgabe HBradio 1/2025
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Die neueste Ausgabe “1/2025” der USKA-Zeitschrift HBradio steht zum Download bereit.
Link zum Download: HBradio 1/2025
Link: HBradio Archiv
7N3CNW/JD1 – Minamitorishima
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Having arrived a few days ago, Hideji, 7N3CNW is currently active from Minamitorishima as 7N3CNW/JD1. He will stay there until March 12th as it’s a work-related trip and not a DXpedition. So far activity has been on 15 & 17m, FT8 but he may use CW (QRP) if time permits. QSL via H/c.FS/F4EQE – Saint Martin
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Serguei, F4EQE is currently active from the northern part of Saint Martin as FS/F4EQE. He is there until March 22nd and is using a multiband GP antenna, Yaesu FT-891. QRV on FT8 & PSK31. QSL via H/c.JD1BOI & JD1BON – Ogasawara
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JI1LET and JA1UII will be active from Chichijima Island, Ogasawara Islands AS-031 as JD1BOI and JD1BON during April 8-17, 2025. QRV on 160-6m; CW, SSB, FT8/FT4. QSL via homecalls (diret), LoTW.